Monday, November 8, 2010 greater joy

Now on my surgery rotation, I am currently in pediatric surgery. We had been consulted to see a young 10 week old infant in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. This little baby boy had been there since he was born. We were consulted to put a feeding tube into his stomach so that he could get the necessary nutrition he needed as he was not gaining any weight nor was he able to eat enough. This little boy had multiple problems in various organs including the heart, lungs, intestines, as well as growth restriction.
This little boy for some reason really touched me. He has a family that cares and loves him, at least from the photos in his crib, but they were not able to visit every day. He sits there each day doing his best to survive and live. Seeing him made me truly grateful for the opportunity I have to be a father. There is nothing more powerful than the love of a parent for their children. Moses 1:39 states "For behold, this is my work and my glory - to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man." God's greatest work and his glory comes from helping His children succeed in returning to live with Him again. I've heard it said before that that of all the names God chose to be called, He chose Heavenly Father. It is was is most important for Him. I feel the same way. There is nothing as rewarding and as enjoyable as being a dad. The time and sacrifice seem so small compared to the joy I receive from my family.
As I looked down at the little boy today, I did my best to help him feel loved for the short time that I was able to visit with Him. Hoping and praying that during the short time I was able to spend with him, he would feel of my love for Him, and more importantly Heavenly Father's love for him. I knew that even though physically this little boy was alone, He was still loved dearly by our Heavenly Father. I knew he was being watched by and cared for by Heavenly Father, after all if the Lord each sparrow's fall, he surely knows and watches over his children (Matthew 10:29-31). I stood next to him with my hand on him and said a prayer asking Heavenly Father to be with this little boy and comfort him. Just as Heavenly Father loves and will comfort this little boy, He will do the same for each one of us. We are all His Spirit children and He loves us and wants us to find happiness in our life. How grateful I am to understand that my Heavenly Father loves me, and how comforting it is to me know that even though I had to leave that little baby boy, Heavenly Father wouldn't leave him alone.

Eternal Perspective

A few weeks ago, we were told that we had a consult dealing with an individual that was found down and unconscious by a family member. By the time they arrived at the hospital, there seemed to be no normal activity left in this person. Upon EEG testing, the individual was brain dead with the exception of one or two brainstem reflexes still intact. This individual's brain would never function for them again. The rest of their existence would be on a drug to keep them from seizing every few seconds. If they were to be taken off of this drug, their body would quickly die from inability to regulate the vital functions of breathing, temperature, and heart rate. The options left to the family then were to just let him go or keep on life support forever.
The family has decided to keep him on life support. The individual was then be placed in a home where skilled professionals were be able to constantly watch over him. Just a few days ago, this patient came back to the hospital for a bacterial infection. The person has had no change in abilities and is still on support to keep him from constantly seizing. This is a difficult situation for the individual as well as the family! Does the family keep him on support or should they let him go? Will they see him again or this truly the end?

The knowledge of the gospel changes the perspective for this individual and his family. Having an understanding that we will live again, changes the way you see this individual. We know from 1 Corinthians 15:22 that "For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall be made alive." We know that we will be able to see our family members again! We can see them as they really are, without bodily limitations. What a great blessing this truly is. Alma in the Book of Mormon tells us, "Now, behold, I have spoken unto you concerning the death of the mortal body, and also concerning the resurrection of the mortal body. I say unto you that this mortal body is raised to an immortal body, that is from death, even from the first death unto life, that they can die no more; their spirits uniting with their bodies, never to be divided; thus theh whole becoming spiritual and immortal, that they can no more see corruption" (Alma 11:45). This is the hope that can keep many people doing what is righteous. If we live righteously in this life, we can see and be with our loved ones again, they and we will be able to be re-united in our perfect form I'm so grateful for this knowledge and blessing! Knowing this may help the family feel closure and when he moves on, find peace.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Who We Really Are and the Blessings of the Commandments

On my first day in neurology, I was sent to go in and interview my first patient to check for seizures. I went in and the first thing that was obvious was she was in a permanent vegetative state. The next thing was that she was growing facial hair. I did the cranial nerve and other neurological symptoms check as best I could considering the patient was unresponsive. Really the only thing I was able to check reflexes and pain sensation. As I went out and talked to my resident I found out more about this individual's story. She used to be a he. Ah hah, now the facial hair makes sense, so does the masculine facial features. But on top of this, I learned the cause of the permanent vegetative state. She had been at a party where cocaine was being used and had overdosed on it. Cocaine causes an intense constriction of the blood vessels so less blood can get through. In this case it constricted the vessels enough to cause a massive hemorrhage resulting in too little oxygen to certain parts of the brain (anoxic brain injury) resulting in this state.
There are several points that I want to bring up regarding this individual and their current state. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints put out a statement in 1995 called "The Family: A Proclamation to the World", states, "All human beings—male and female—are created in the image of God. Each is a beloved spirit son or daughter of heavenly parents, and, as such, each has a divine nature and destiny. Gender is an essential characteristic of individual premortal, mortal, and eternal identity and purpose."1 This tells us that our gender is something that is not just chance or luck of the draw. But we have been male or female long before we were born on this earth and will be that gender after we leave this earth. When we understand that we are God's children who lived with Him before this life and have the potential to return to live with Him again after this life if we do what is right, our perspective is changed. We realize that who we are in this life is important. We may have certain trials or challenges that make it difficult for us to deal with regarding our gender, but when we have faith in God and trust in His plan, we will be able to find peace in this life because we know who we are and who we will always be.
The second point deals with the sad experience this individual had with a cocaine overdose. The devil does not have a body and as such, is jealous of the fact that we have something he never will. We learn from Moses 4: 1-4 that Satan does not want us to find happiness, in fact all he wants is for us to find misery in life. It says in verse 4, "And he became Satan, yea, even the devil, the father of all lies, to deceive and to blind men, and to lead them captive at his will..." This tells us that anything we do that is not from God, is from the devil; and since the only thing the devil wants is to deceive us, we can know that everything except following the commandments will bring misery! He just wants to wreck our lives with problems like drugs, alcohol, and all other types of addiction. This is how he deals with us. When we listen to the Father and His plan, we find true joy and don't need to find things that will give us an artificial stimulation or high, like drugs, we will always have true joy in our life. Furthermore we can know that we are preparing to find the ultimate joy by returning to live in His presence again! I am so grateful for latter-day inspiration that tells us who we are that we are sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father sent down to earth in the form we have always been in. I am also so grateful for the commandments that truly make us free. The commandments of God will not restrict us at all, in fact, they liberate and give us true joy!

The First Presidency and Council of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The Family: A Proclamation on the Family, 1995.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Education vs. Hospital - Round 1

Today when I went in to interview a patient, I quickly became aware of the obnoxiously loud television blaring in the background. So often we have to go into the room and turn down a ridiculous television show that is sure to be killing more brain cells than building them. Whether it be a soap opera, a daytime television show, or some silly reality television show, these patients just sit there and watch a whole lot of nothing. Wouldn't it be nice to have patients be watching something that is actually going to be helping their health? Think about it, these patients come into the hospital, for the most part, because they are sit and unhealthy. (Of course you have the healthy people that just got in an accident too, but they are not the majority.) Why are we not putting videos about healthy eating, proper exercise, or teaching about the diseases they are plagued with up on the screen? Instead of just wasting their time, they are then watching things that will help them long after they leave the hospital. I know that many people would be up in arms about this, but are we trying to help people live healthier, better lives or not? When they come into the hospital, give them something more than just the 10 minute doctor visit to help them understand their condition, rather let them watch it in a more relaxed setting for them and they will then know what the disease is, how it is treated, and what they can do to help themselves when they leave the hospital. So the battle with helping patients rages, but at least this is another way we can help them right?
Doctrine and Covenants 130 18-19 states, "Whatever principle of intelligence we attain unto in this life, it will rise with us in the resurrection. And if a person gains more knowledge and intelligence in this life through his dilgence and obedience than another, he will have so much the advantage in the world to come" So learning is essential in this life. Let's help educate those that need education on how to treat and take care of their body.
Any thoughts?

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Cancer - A Trial and a Blessing

During my first rotation in the OB/GYN clerkship, I found myself taking care of a lady with an extremely difficult situation. This was a young lady who had several children of her own. She had been diagnosed with ovarian cancer and did not likely have too long to live. It had been planned that her sister would take care of her children after our patient passed away. However, things took a turn for the worst soon and her sister died suddenly, leaving our patient and her husband not only without the help of the patient's sister, but also as the primary caregiver for her sister's children. As I thought about this situation I could not help but realize how much I felt for her, but honestly I felt worse for her husband. Not only was he losing his wife, but he now had an additional several children he was in charge of taking care of.
I don't know their personal situation or how well her husband does financially, but I can only imagine the stress and worry and pain he is going through. He has got to put on a strong face for his wife, for his children, and for his nieces and nephews he is caring for while worrying about who will help him raise these kids and how to pay for them all and the medical bills that are surely coming from his wife's treatment. This is the type of experience that makes one truly pray and pray hard.
We know from the gospel that we will not be given a trial that is too difficult (1 Corinthians 10:13). This is the type of challenge that will drive one to their knees but ironically has the potential to bring one closer to God than at any other time in their life. I remember one particular time on my mission (which is a time I spent serving my Church for two years) when my strength to carry on was tested. During this time I felt stretched to the limits of my ability to perform my duties, so much to the point that I fell to my knees prayed for strength. As I prayed, I felt the distinct impression that I needed to get up and the Lord would carry me and help me accomplish the things I was being asked to do. As I got up from my knees I knew that I was being given strength from God to get up. Over the next several months I felt the Lord blessed me to accomplish the goals I had set and truly be a better missionary.
I know my challenge is in no way is the same as this man's, but the point is that the atonement of Jesus Christ has the ability to carry all of us through the challenges we face on a daily basis. As we trust in Him, He will help us get through anything we need to get through and bless us to grow closer to Him at the same time. Alma, a book in the Book of Mormon states the following, "And now my beloved Brethren, I would exhort you to have patience, and that ye bear with all manner of afflictions...with a firm hope that ye shall one day rest from all your afflictions" (Alma 34: 40-41). How grateful I am to know that no matter the affliction or trial that may come upon me, if I do my best and rely on Christ and His atonement, I will one day have the opportunity to rest from these trials. I hope this man understands this principle as I know the peace it can and will bring in our lives can give him great comfort in his life and the challenges he will face.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Radiology Day 1

I started a two week rotation in radiology today. I have found out several things so far, first of all many people call radiology a "kick back, put up your feet" type of rotation. As such, often people will come in and do as little as possible then leave for the day to go play. It makes me wonder, are we paying this much money in tuition just to do as little as possible? Or are we paying this much and doing our best to try and get our money's worth to be the best doctors we can be. Whether we are going to be a radiologist one day or not, you never know when a little pearl you learned as a medical student may be the key you need to solve the puzzle for a complex problem of one of your own patients.
In the Doctrine and Covenants, which are revelations given to Joseph Smith as a prophet for the Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord told Him regarding knowledge: Whatever principle of intelligence we attain unto in this life, it will rise with us in the resurrection. And if a person gains more knowledge and intelligence in this life through his diligence and obedience than another, he will have so much the advantage in the world to come. (D&C 130:18-19).
So any type of knowledge we can gain, that is righteous, will help us become more like God because all knowledge comes from Him. It reminds me of Thomas Jefferson. If you ever visit Thomas Jefferson's library in Library of Congress in Washington, DC you'll see that his library was not just books dealing with politics, rather it consisted of geology, medicine, politics, science of many types, scripture, etc. This is the type of person I want to be, I want learn everything I can so that I can do my best to be the best person I can be.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Let the Games Begin!

I am a third year medical student just beginning my rotations. I love medical school. I have worked my whole life to get here and now having the opportunity to be in this field every day is truly a dream come true. I love being able to help comfort patients; I love feeling like a detective as we try and solve the reasons why a patient is experiencing particular symptoms. I love going into a surgery and seeing the organs that make our body work. I love pondering about what I am learning with my upbringing as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Being a member of this church, I am provided a unique perspective in that I know that life is more than just being here on earth, we lived before this earth, and will live again after this life. This and many other doctrinal precepts give me a unique spin the purpose of medicine. Each day I ponder about what I see going on with each patient and what I know to be true from the gospel. I decided to start this blog in order to write down the things I am learning as well as incorporate what I learn with lessons I have learned from the gospel. I hope you enjoy the writings I post as much as I enjoy medical school and the opportunities that are therein.