Monday, November 8, 2010

Eternal Perspective

A few weeks ago, we were told that we had a consult dealing with an individual that was found down and unconscious by a family member. By the time they arrived at the hospital, there seemed to be no normal activity left in this person. Upon EEG testing, the individual was brain dead with the exception of one or two brainstem reflexes still intact. This individual's brain would never function for them again. The rest of their existence would be on a drug to keep them from seizing every few seconds. If they were to be taken off of this drug, their body would quickly die from inability to regulate the vital functions of breathing, temperature, and heart rate. The options left to the family then were to just let him go or keep on life support forever.
The family has decided to keep him on life support. The individual was then be placed in a home where skilled professionals were be able to constantly watch over him. Just a few days ago, this patient came back to the hospital for a bacterial infection. The person has had no change in abilities and is still on support to keep him from constantly seizing. This is a difficult situation for the individual as well as the family! Does the family keep him on support or should they let him go? Will they see him again or this truly the end?

The knowledge of the gospel changes the perspective for this individual and his family. Having an understanding that we will live again, changes the way you see this individual. We know from 1 Corinthians 15:22 that "For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall be made alive." We know that we will be able to see our family members again! We can see them as they really are, without bodily limitations. What a great blessing this truly is. Alma in the Book of Mormon tells us, "Now, behold, I have spoken unto you concerning the death of the mortal body, and also concerning the resurrection of the mortal body. I say unto you that this mortal body is raised to an immortal body, that is from death, even from the first death unto life, that they can die no more; their spirits uniting with their bodies, never to be divided; thus theh whole becoming spiritual and immortal, that they can no more see corruption" (Alma 11:45). This is the hope that can keep many people doing what is righteous. If we live righteously in this life, we can see and be with our loved ones again, they and we will be able to be re-united in our perfect form I'm so grateful for this knowledge and blessing! Knowing this may help the family feel closure and when he moves on, find peace.

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